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La bella y la bestia : Beauty and the Beast / ilustrado por Mª Isabel Nadal Romero   Publication: León :Everest 2011 Physical description: 36 p :il ;22cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe Salgado Torres (1),

Cinderella / [retold by Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna] by Hobart, Ruth Publication: Genoa :Black cat 2006 Physical description: 29 p. :il.cor ;24cm Academic level: 3º-4º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe Salgado Torres (1),

La familia Busquet habla inglés / [ilustraciones] Beatrice Veillon ; [texto de] Elena Iribarren [y Béatrice Veillon] by Veillon, Béatrice Publication: [Barcelona] :Vox 2017 Physical description: [47] p. :il. col. ;27cm Academic level: 3º-4º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe Salgado Torres (1),

LARA E HÉRCULES EN FISTERRA / CHARO LATORRE by Latorre, Charo Publication: ESPAÑA :ANETO PUBLICACIONES 2011 Physical description: [30] p ;20cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe Salgado Torres (1),

Eat good food! / Stéphane Husar, Loïc Méhée by Husar, Stéphane Publication: Madrid :Anaya 2012 Physical description: 26 p. :il. ;25cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe Salgado Torres (1),

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